


  • 世界遺産
  • ★★★ ミシュラングリーンガイド 三ツ星


The official name is the Saihou-ji, but is called with the name of “Koke-dera” in general. That is the reason why the temple is covered by moss looking like the beautiful green carpet. It is the temple of Rinzai sect. The mountain name is Kouin-zan. It is positioned that the idol is Amida-Nyorai, the foundation patron is Gyoki and the restoration is Soseki Muso. The most of building in Saihou-ji were burned down in the Ounin war, and came to ruin two times due to the flood in Edo period. The garden as dry garden stile was went into ruin and it is said that the current temple covered by moss was created at the end of Edo period. It is considered that the temple was covered by moss is influenced by the topographical factor such as the valley nearby with the flowing river.
The Saihou-ji used to be the sight-seeing temple being open to any visitor, but currently the general tour is prohibited and the application by the reply postal card is requested for visitor. The visitor is also requested to write the Buddhist scripture as regional practice.
There are a mossy garden with a central focus on Ougon-ike (pond) at the east side of shrine, and the Sairai-do (main hall), Shoin (library) and Noukeitou (three-story tower) are located in an east area. In the garden, there are three tea rooms such as Shounan-tei, Shouan-do and Tanhoku-tei. You may see stones in a dry garden style and the Shitou-an as the foundation hall in the northern area of shrine.
In the mail hall, there is the sliding door with the picture painted by Insho Doumoto, and Amida Nyorai-do is enshrined.
It is reported that the Shounan-tei (Important Cultural Property) was the tea room which was established by Soseki Muso, and went into ruin later, but reconstructed by Shouan Senno, the second son Rikyu Senno.


Michelin Green Guide

Saihou-ji (Koke-dera) has three star rating.


Other Names
56, Matsuo Jingadani-cho, Saikyo-ku, Kyoto city, 615-8286
Formal Name
Sangou (Mountain Name)
Amida Nyorai
Date Founded
Tenpyo era (729 - 749)
Founding Patron
Cultural Properties

Shonan-tei (National Treasures and Important Cultural Property) Garden (National Treasures, Histrical Site and Special Place of Scenic Beauty)


3,000 yen as prayer’s fee


Not available

Access Guide

Get off at Koke-dera Michi Station of municipal buss.
Get off at Koke-dera Station of municipal buss.

Official Website

Admission time will be designated by the reply postal card
Reservation: The desirable date, number of visitors and address of representatives will be described in the reply postal card which shall be reached 2 months to 2 weeks prior to your visit


京都貴船 川床料理 べにや
