

Daitoku-ji Temple

  • ★★★ ミシュラングリーンガイド 三ツ星

Famous for Rikyu Senno and Tea Ceremony

The building itself was burned down during the Ounin War, but reconstructed by 48th chief priest, Soujyun Ittkyu, under the support of merchant in Sakai city. In addition, Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Daimyo (“feudal lord”) donated their domain and constructed pagoda. Most of the current buildings were completed at the beginning of Edo Period.
The glorious temple now has most of the important and main architects for the Zen Sect. such as Sanmon (“temple gate”), Butsuden (“Buddha’s hall”), Houden (“lecture hall”), Kyouzou (“library”), Houjyo (elder’s house”). There are preserved and shows the typical cathedral position of Zen Sect. The Kara-Mon (“well decorated gate”) is said as the oldest building of Jyurakudai, and it is known for a typical building of Momoyama Period with wonderful sculpture inside. The Houjyo is the representative building of Zen Sect. and placed with the sliding door painted by Tanyu Kano (“famous painter”). The garden of Houjyo is famous for the Kozansuitei-en (A dry style garden) at the beginning of Edo Period. Furthermore the temple is regarded as the treasure house of Zen Sect culture including documents and ancient text etc.. The Daitoku-ji had many famous priest graduates in the history and has a close relationship with tea ceremony culture which has given a major influence to Japanese culture.


Michelin Green Guide

Daitoku-ji Temple (Dry style garden of Daisen-in) has three stars rating.
Disen-in (barrier picture of Houjyo) has two stars rating
Ryugen-ji, Zuihou-in and Kouto-in has one star rating

53, Murasakinodaitokuji-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto city, 603-8231
Formal Name
Ryuhouzan Daitokuzenji
Sangou (Mountain Name)
Rinzai Sect. Daitoku-ji school
Shyaka Nyorai
Date Founded
in 1325 (the second year of Seichu era)
Founding Patron
Myocho Souhou
Cultural Properties

Houjyo, Kara-mon, Kenponbokugatannsaiennkakuzu (“ink and light color on silk Enkaku zu”) (National Treasures), Chokushi-mon, San-mon, Butsu-den, Hou-den, Hou-dou, Wooden Daitoukokushi Seated Figure, etc (National Treasures, Important Cultural Properties), Houjyo garden (National treasure, Historical Site, Special Place of Scenic Beauty)


Free of charge


09:00 – 16:00


Available approx. 50 cars with a charge of 100 yen per 30 minutes.

Access Guide

Get off at Daitoku-ji Mae Station of Municipal bus and 5 minutes walk

Official Website


京都貴船 川床料理 べにや
