

Nanzen-ji Temple

  • 桜の名所
  • 紅葉の名所
  • ★★★ ミシュラングリーンガイド 三ツ星

HQ temple of Rinzai Sect.

In the year 1291 (the fourth year of Shoou era), the temple was established by Fumon Mukan (Daimyo Kokushi) and Soen Kian (Nanin Kokushi) after a dispatched palace was donated by Kameyama Houou (the emperor who became a priest). Since then the temple has been worshiped as the praying grounds for national peace and respected as the highest ranking of all five mountains.
There are lots of cultural assets in the temple grounds. The Dai Houjyo (the Houjyo means the living house for the elder priest) and shou Houjyo are registered as national treasures. Chokushi gate, three gates and others are also registered as Important Cultural Properties. The front garden of Houjyo is very famous for the dry style garden with the name of “Tora-no-Ko-Watashi” which means the tiger pass its baby, made by Enshu Kobori.


High Spots

You may see lots of maple trees inside of the temple grounds. Especially, in a spot nearby the Three Gates is very popular with the saying of “what an impressive site, what an impressive site” by a famous thief Goemon in the Kabuki show. This is the best place to see marvelous view of red leaves around the Kyoto City. It is also worth seeing the garden of Chisen Kaiyu Style (pond at the center and surrounding garden path style) located in the Nanzen-In Tenjyuan
In Spring, the temple grounds will also be full of cherry blossoms. The temple grounds are so huge that it is difficult to point out the best spot, but I am sure that you will be happy visiting Kyoto after you enjoys the collaboration of white wall, garden path and cherry blossoms.


Subtemple of Nanzen-ji

Konchi-In, Nanzen-In, Tnjyu-An, Chosyo-In, Jishi-In


Michelin Green Guide

Hojyo Seiryou-Den has three star rating and Nanzen-ji, Mizunomino-Tora (Lion drinkind water) has a two star rating, and Three Gates, Garden, Nanzen-In and Tnjyu-An has a one star rating.


Nanzen-ji Fukuchi-Cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto city, 606-8435
Formal Name
Zuiryusan Taiheikoukoku Nanzen-ji
Sangou (Mountain Name)
Rizai Sec Nanzen-ji School
Shaka Nyorai
Date Founded
in 1291 (the fourth year of Shoou era)
Founding Patron
Kameyama Houou, Fumon Mukan
Cultural Properties

Hojyo, Kameyamatenno-sinkanzenrinji-gokiganbunan (National Treasures), Three Gates, Chokushi-Mon, Kenpontyakusyokusyakjyurokuzensinzu (Important Cultural Properties), Hojyo Garden (National Treasure and Special Place of Scenic Beauty), Temple Ground (National Treasure and Historical Site)


Hojyo Garden
Adult 600 yen, High School 500 yen, Junior High School and Elementary School 400 yen)
Three Gates
Adult 600 yen, High School 500 yen, Junior High School and Elementary School 400 yen)
Adult 400 yen, High School 350 yen, Junior High School and Elementary School 250 yen)


08:40 – 17:00 (During December to February till 16:30))



Access Guide

Get off at Nanzen-ji or Eikandou-michi Station of Municipal bus and 10 minutes walk
Get off at Keage Station of Subway Tozai Line and 10 minutes walk

Official Website


京都貴船 川床料理 べにや
