

Nishi Hongan-ji Temple

  • 世界遺産
  • ★ ミシュラングリーンガイド 一ツ星


It is reported that, after the death of the Founding Patron, Saint Shinran, the reliquary temple of Shinran was established by his youngest daughter Kakushinni at the west side of Otani (currently located at Chioin, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-city) with the support of her disciple, was regarded as the cradle land of Hongan-ji. In 1321 (the first year of Genkou era), the third Master, Kakunyo called it Senshu-ji and later changed its name to Hongan-ji. In the middle of Muromachi Period, the religion of Hongan-ji had developed very fast and its teaching was expanded. But such prosperity led to the hostility against the government and religious forces, and the disciple armed themselves and rose in a riot in various areas. Afterward, during the war period, the temple was moved around in Oumi, Echizen and Kawachi area with keeping its forces and fell into a decline by the war of Nishiyama against Nobunaga Oda continued for the time more than 11 years from 1570 (the first year of Genki era).
In 1591 (the nineteenth year of Tensho era), with the donation of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, the place of Hongan-ji was transferred to the current place from Tenma area. The reliquary temple was transferred to the place at Nishi-Otani, Higashiyama Gjyo-saka and named as Otani Honbyo later.
As Ieyasu Tokugawa feared the Hongan-ji religious forces still giving influence to the society, he divided the disciple into two group in 1602 (the seventh year of Keicho era), and the one of them was given the land for temple at the east of Hongan-ji by the eleventh Master Kyonyo, and it was called Higashi (“East”) Hongan-ji and the original temple was called Nishi (“West”) Hongan-ji on the other hand.


Cultural Properties

The layout and structure of the building at that time was the typical Shinsyu style, and the Miei-do (“the hall enshrining the Founding Patron”) was bigger than the main hall and furthermore the structure was easy to go around for praying. There is the library hall behind the Miei-do which was structured in 1632 (the ninety year of Kanei eara and was emblazoned with the beautiful sliding door and anazzed-up in terms of architecture and sculpture. Furthermore, Nishi Hongan-ji has lots of cultural properties such as Kara Gate, North Nou-Platform and Shinran wooden figure.


Michelin Green Guide

Nishi Hongan-ji and San-mon have a one star rating.


Horikawa-dori Hanayamachi-sagaru, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-city, 600-8501
Formal Name
Jyoudo-Shinsyu Hongan-ji Sect. Hongan-ji
Sangou (Mountain Name)
Amitabha Tathagata
Founding Patron
Kakunyo (Otani Hongan-ji), Kennyo (Nishi Hongan-ji)
Cultural Properties

Kuro Shoin and corridor, Library hall, Kara-Gate, Hiunnkaku, North Nou Platform (National Treasures), Bell Tower, Taishi-do, Nou Platform and main hall (National Treasures and Important Cultural Property), Shrine (National Treasures and Historical Site), Daishoin Garden (National Treasures, Historical Site), Gingko tree (Protected Species)


Free (small token of appreciation)



Access Guide

Get off at Nishi Hongan-ji mae Station of municipal buss.

Official Website


京都貴船 川床料理 べにや
